What types of notifications will I receive from the ASAYA app?

The purpose of the app’s notifications is to assist you with following your treatment and for getting your feedback. To that end, there are three types of notification reminders: treatment/session reminders, feeback reminders, and general reminders.
Treatment or session reminders are notifications reminding you to take your cannabis dose, based on your treatment plan. Clicking on the notification itself takes you to the main dashboard, where you can confirm taking the dose and provide feedback about the severity of your symptoms after taking the medication.
Feedback reminders are notifications for collecting feedback about your symptoms and your sleep. Logging these details helps medical personnel improve your treatment. If no feedback was logged in throughout the day, an “end of day” feedback reminder will be deployed.
General reminders notify you about upcoming clinic visits and prescription expirations. They also periodically ask if you’d like to step up your dose. Some notifications will include feedback questions that will help the clinic prepare for your next visit.

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